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Moving to San Francisco...
(August 12, 2004; Commentary by Val)

  Packing, packing, never seems to end.

But by the end of this month, it'll all have been worth it. So many pieces have fallen neatly into place, as Devin and I prepare for our final move to San Francisco. Though some of our friends have plans to eventually move to San Francisco themselves, we will miss everyone dearly.

San Francisco...less than one month to go. The excitement is almost unbearable. Like all great changes, there is an edge of sadness to it all. We will be leaving so many wonderful people in San Diego.

When we originally begans our plans to move to the west coast, we longed to live in San Francisco. At the time, the cost of living in SF was just too high. So, we opted for San Diego.

Fortune struck this year when Devin's company decided to relocate his group up to San Francisco. At the same time, I happened upon the website for the Art Institute of California in San Francisco. Opportunities are abound, it seems.

I will post more on our move later, as time permits.

The new place...

  East Coast Visit 2004
   (February 2004; Commentary by Val)

  San Francisco Trip 2003
   (January 2003; Commentary by Val)

  Happy Holidays!
   (December 25, 2003; Commentary by Val)

  Val and Devin Welcome New Car: 2003 Nissan Maxima
   (October 28, 2003; Commentary by Val)

  San Diego Wildfires
   (October 2003; Commentary by Val)

  Bats Day 2003: Great Success!
   (August 25, 2003; Commentary by Val)

  Mourning Over Loss of Rajah
   (June 2003; Commentary by Val)

  Where the Hell is Crispin Glover?
   (March 16, 2003; Commentary by Val)

   Brenna Elizabeth Tuffy Born December 10th
   (December 12, 2002; Commentary by Val)

   Cat Burglar Thwarted in Candy Cane Theft
   (December 12, 2002; Commentary by Val)

   Newly Restored Version of Fritz Lang's Metropolis Playing at Ken Cinema
   (November 11, 2002; Commentary by Val)

   Iguana Survives Horrific Seizure
   (November 8, 2002; Commentary by Val)

   Ten New Wallace and Gromit Short Films Soon to be Released!
   (October 15, 2002; Commentary by Val)

   US Premier of Bowling for Columbine in San Diego
    (October 14, 2002; Commentary by Val)

   US Premier of Spirited Away at the El Capitan Theater in Los Angeles      (September 10, 2002; Commentary by Val)    

   Val's Portfolio
   Bats Day at Disneyland 2003
   Bats Day at Disneyland 2002
   The Big Move: San Diego, CA

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